
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Back in the saddle!

Hello dear readers,

Well, we have been home almost two weeks ago from the "big trip". I spent the first week or so doing those inevitable clean-up chores, emptying suitcases, washing, ironing and generally tidying and catching up with family and friends.

This week, I thought it about time I went back to my little studio and made some beads!
After an absence from my torch, I always warm up with some simple basics, so yesterday I spent some time making 'encased rounds'

These beads have a layer of white, encased in Effetre transparent ink blue, rolled in Fleeting Beauty Frit by Val Cox and then lastly encased in clear.

I used a round  bead roller  shaping tool to finish these beads and give them a nice fat round shape.
I have not really used many shaping tools yet, preferring to use mainly a simple marvering paddle and gravity, but I had a lot of fun using these and will definately  continue to use it.

Round beads made with a roller.

Roller cavities

As it is Autumn here in Australia, I thought I would add in a photo of the colored leaves of  an ornamental grape which grows across  a trellis next to my family room window.
The long tendrils that dangle down are absolutely beautiful especially in Autumn but also in Spring when the new growth comes out and develops  a thick curtain of leaves protecting the room against our harsh sun.

Just look at that beautiful color!

Until next time, 


  1. Gorgeous beads, I love the frit you have used.
    Deb x

  2. Those beads are SO pretty! And it has become such a small world. Here we are heading into summer and you're in the midst of fall - my favorite season. Enjoy!

  3. The round beads are gorgeous. Jenni, you MUST start selling them if you are going to tease us with your talents! That ornamental grape is beautiful too. I didn't know there was such a thing!

  4. Thankyou everyone for your comments, it sure is good to be back in my little shed/studio again.
    Grace, I am going to start trying to sell this year, got to work on building up the inventory. Thankyou.


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