
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's Wednesday.....!

Hello dear readers,

Well, it's Wednesday again and that means time to post to BTW, which for those who don't know stands for Bead Table Wednesday!
You can see participants photos on Flickr. Click on the btw logo on the left to take you straight there.

On my bead board at the moment is a selection of  faceted, pale grey chalcedony drops, amazonite nuggets and smooth ovals, caramel coloured Australian Mooakite and small Peruvian pale blue opal rounds.

I am playing around trying to decide if the lampwork focal beads I have go with this colour scheme or if I should make up a glass focal that is something a little more "watery" in colour.
Certainly the yellow- caramel coloured mooakite goes well with any of the focals...

Or maybe I need to add something else with a "pop" of colour?
 It does look a little pale and lifeless at the moment!

Colour palette mixing is something I do struggle with.

I usually spend ages just moving beads around until I am happy with the mix.

If not, I tend to let it sit for a while on the board and then go back to it, possibly days later with a solution.

Until next time,

Happy beading,



  1. I love them all together. The work wonderfully with the art beads.

  2. Thanks Courtney, Heather and Shannon for your helpful, kind comments.

  3. Jenni, I don't find that mix at all lifeless, just cool and soothing. What have you made with these?


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