
Monday, February 7, 2011

Fire Lotus

Hello dear readers,

I have been playing around this weekend with Fire Lotus glass , made by Tag.
I am thrilled with the colour I have been able to coax from it this time.
In the past I have not always been successful with some of the silver-laden glass varieties.

This last Friday at a lampworking group get together, ( The Flaming Matildas), we were shown by Georgie how to coax the colour from fire lotus.
The trick was to initially heat it until almost white and to then allow it quite a longish cool, followed by deep, gentle re-heating high in the flame to bring out that next layer of colour.

I am happy to have coaxed out the lovely purple and magenta colours that have eluded me in the past.
(unfortunately there is a little pitting on the tab bead, must have heated it a little too much!)

The murrini are made by Jet Age Studio and the gorgeous greenish/yellow one is a reduction murrini called Goldrush. It gives a super metallic shine when reduced.
On the bead on the left I also included a small amount of a silvered ivory shard.

Here in Australia both the glass rods, murrini and shards are available at Affordable Inspiration.
In Melbourne the rods (on sale at the moment) and murrini are also available at Hot Bead Box

(Actually there is a murrini sale also at Affordable Inspiration  right now, so a good time to buy and try them all out!)

I know I will be topping up!.

Enjoy your day,



  1. Thanks for stopping by, you make some very beautiful beads. Love the name of your lampwork group the Flaming Matildas. Anytime for waltzing?

  2. Jenni these are so beautiful! You've done really well to coax out the colours from the Fire Lotus glass - and the murrini is so clear. Your photography is great too. Well done! Cant wait to see what you make with these.

  3. Thanks Regina and Belinda for your kind words.

  4. Those are so beautiful! And I've never heard of that glass before -- total coolness.

  5. Oh they are STUNNING! Like little floating sea creatures - just beautiful!

  6. Beautiful colors and murrinis!!!
    Greetings from Switzerland

  7. Thanks for your comments everyone, greatly appreciated. Jenni

  8. happy to have found your blog through the BSBP. Your beads are in a league of their own!

  9. Cindy, goodness! Thank you so much for your kind comment, I wish I could find you on BSBP! Couldn't see your photo/name... Will look again! Jenni


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni