
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Focus on Life - week 5 - Capture our hearts.

Hello friends,

It has been a while between posts. Preparing my home for sale has kept me busy!

Today, I am joining in to  Focusing on Life - 52 photos- a photo a week throughout the year. The prompt for the week was 'capture our hearts'. I have interpreted this in a literal sense... so here are a few I found.....

A heart made from vintage velvet hanging on a cupboard in my daughter's room.

Hearts made from an old atlas... you can see more about these here.

A glass paperweight.. you know how I love my paperweights!

And because I missed out on joining in last week, here is a little something I made during the first stone set in a sterling bezel which I made by following the instructions on a DVD by 
Lexie Erickson. ( The stone is a dendritic agate)

Last week was all about creating art... making jewellery is where my creative heart is at the moment, it is my art.

Here is a heart I made a while back from copper and resin.

And if you pop on over to the studio sublime you can check out all the other lovely hearts.

That's it from me today, folks,

have a good weekend,


  1. beautiful images! Loving that heart pendant with resin. Gorgeous!

  2. First of all - your cab set in silver is just gorgeous! You did a fantastic job! I HAVE THAT DVD! I was not as successful as you! I am actually taking soldering class at the end of February 'cause I really want to master this technique! Also love your atlas peeking out amongst the hearts!

  3. what a wonderful heart collection! and that stone is stunning - what is it?
    no. 26

  4. For your first bezel set stone that is incredible work! Gorgeous piece! Love the agate you found for it, they always look like an undersea world to me, each so different.

  5. All of those are wonderful hearts. I adore that last copper and resin pendant .. Amazing!

  6. Really like the way your repurposed an old atlas to make a lovely reminder of your daughter's trip to Ireland. Thanks for the link on how you made it. Also your bezel is awesome.

  7. Isn't it interesting how hearts suddenly appear all over your home when you start looking for them! You slowly collect them and then 'there they are' popping up all over! :))) LOVE the heart pendant!

  8. All beautiful hearts. I especially like the ones you made (the atlas and the copper one). And your bezel for the stone is amazing! Definitely qualifies as art.

  9. lovely photography, and gorgeous pendants - LOVE that bezel!

  10. I love your hearts! The photo of the velvet heart on the old chest is a favorite!

  11. I am absolutely inspired by the map hearts and left a comment on that post! The jewelry pieces are stunning!

  12. Jenni, you sure found an incredible assortment of hearts for this week's prompt - from vintage velvet to atlas hearts! All great photos. Do you happen to collect paper weights? I recently became interested in Victorian paperweights that depict local town photos or images - I am seeing them quite frequently when I'm out antiquing.

  13. Fantastic pics Jenni! Love that final one of the resin heart! Good luck on your house!

  14. Really love the sparkle in that paperweight and the copper wire with heart in resin is absolutely gorgeous!

  15. All of the hearts are gorgeous. The resin piece is really catching my eye!

  16. Your beautiful house shots are making me drool..that old typewriter! And the pretty bottle of perfume in your daughter's room...all of it...I adore!! What a nice space to hang all of those hearts!!

  17. Love the stone in that bezel! Great collection of hearts!

  18. Your photos of the hearts in your home are lovely, and sure your joining this hop will be great fun for you and us.

  19. LOVE those atlas hearts!!! love love love I've been waning to do one with a map I have - maybe for my craft room!

  20. Your hearts are ALL so wonderful. I love you resin one and your bezel is amazing!! Thank you for sharing.

  21. All these little heart touches around your home are so lovely and your pictures of them are great too. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  22. Beautiful hearts Jenni! The red in the resin heart pendant is GORGEOUS!!!

  23. Wonderful hearts! That red resin one is absolutely gorgeous!!

  24. thank you so much everyone for you comments on my hearts! You are all so kind.


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