
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Carli Hall - Profile of an Australian bead maker

Hello friends,

Here is another wonderful Australian bead maker to show you. Carli makes many wonderful bead styles including an intricate, floral style and layered dots. She is keen on coring and capping some of these beauties. All of her beads are intricate little works of art. Many of them take more than an hour to make per bead and include many different technical skills.

Anyway, you can read more about her as she answers the following questions I  have put to her....

1. How long have you been lampworking and what led you to begin to make glass beads?

 I have been lampworking for 8 years.  I was buying other artists beads to use in my jewellery and realised I could very well make them myself!

2 Please describe your workplace. Do you have a dedicated studio space?
My workspace is in the garage, on a single small desk in the corner amongst the paint cans and spider webs. 

 The very glamorous Carli at her workspace in the garage. On her left is her blue (Paragon) kiln. The tools with handles are brass presses. (She is working at the 'Cricket' torch in this shot.)

A very neat work table... wonderful  selection of glass colored rods ( I actually know her stash is bigger than this!) and storage, glass presses and the mini cc torch. Looks like a pretty good music collection,too!

3 Which glass is your current favourite and why?
 I only use 104 COE glass for convenience sake.  At the moment I am having lots of fun playing with Double helix silver glass, but my faves often change!  It all depends how many new colors come out that month!

4 What type of torch/es do you use? Can you tell us a little about it?
I have a Mini CC and love it.  I am able to make very large beads on this and it gets super hot.  It's also easy to fume with and the fuel mix reduces silver glass nicely.  I also have a 'Cricket' torch which I rarely use.

5 How would you describe your style?
 My style changes constantly.  My customers often say that they never know is going to be on my table from one show to the next, and that's what I aim for.  Beadmaking would be way too boring for me if I didn't experiment and change every few months.

A fabulous collection of one of Carli's 'signature' beads... her colourful cored and capped floral beads.

A layered and raked dotted bead with goldstone stringer, poked bubbles and silver glass addition. This is a real beauty and takes quite a while to make, too.

6 When the ‘muse’ has left the studio, what do you draw on to re-inspire you?
Some days I make absolute rubbish beads and when that happens, I just turn everything off and admit defeat.  Or pull stringers.  I can't be terrific-ly clever ALL the time.

A selection of the layered dots and bubble style... ready to make up in a bracelet or necklace.

7 If you could have a class with any well-known lampwork artist in the world, who would you choose and why?
 I am in lust with a few lampworkers beads and would love classes with all of them.  I am lucky enough to cross one artist of the list: Holly, next year.  I am keeping fingers crossed that one day Kristina Logan decides to visit us here.

8 Do you have any other artistic interests and what are they?
I love doing all things arty: I mosaic, draw and sculpt.  I have dabbled in watercolor painting and pottery.  Glass is what I am in love with tho. Silver-smithing is on the agenda for 2013.

Thank you Carli for your time and photos.
You can see more of Carli's work ... here are her contact areas..


Until next time,

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