
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kind Deeds Are the Fruits

Hello dear friends,

Kind hearts are the garden,
Kind thoughts are the roots
Kind words are the blossom,
Kind deeds are the fruits

This poem was a favourite of my Grandmother, she lived her life by the sentiment expressed in these very true words.

I have joined in the fun of the "Pay it Forward" ideal that is eddying around our wonderful blogging community. Jenn from Souls Fire Designs also joined in and it was from her post that I decided to jump right in and join in with a random act of kindness of my own.

To the first three people who comment on this post, I will send a surprise gift. It may be lampwork beads, copper or silver work.. or even a dash of all three!

It will be sent sometime in the next 365 days :)   ... that way it will indeed be a surprise!

Please leave a comment ( with your e-mail address ticked ON ) I will send you a response asking for your address.. and we are on our way.

In order to complete your sign up, you MUST play along, too. This after all, is the spirit of "pay it forward" and keeps the love circulating!

Just remember,

"Kind deeds are indeed the fruits!"


  1. What a wonderful poem... and a wonderful idea, as well. I will happily pay it forward myself! Is there a time limit for the blog post? I am asking only because I have a giveaway going on right now and would rather do this as a separate post next week!! As a matter of fact, even if you've already had your three commenters, I will do it next week!! Thank you!!

  2. That poem is perfection.

    Thank you so much for your generosity Jenni,

    I'm giving a pendant away on my blog next week.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni