
Sunday, September 2, 2012

I Heart Macro -" A Thousand Flowers"

Hello dear friends,

Today is a gorgeous Spring day.. I am keen to get out for a touch of sun on my skin. The wind is a bit fresh and strong.. so I may not go to my little green shed today... open windows are required for glasswork and if the wind is too gusty it can play havoc with the flame... way too dangerous!

Today I am linking up to I Heart Macro. Theses little flowers you see below are actually made from glass and the name "Millefiore" is the Italian name for a "thousand flowers". These little pieces of cane are traditionally seen in glass paperweights. The ones you see below are in a pendant which my two daughters gave me one year for my birthday. I love it. Each of these tiny slices of glass would have been carefully applied with tweezers to make the pattern you see here. Making these individual little pieces of art is complicated and another story in itself!

Millefiore pattern.

The last few days I have continued my fun with glass frit. I have also been trying to make the bicone beads you see here below, longer. So far I am only up to 2 1/4 - 2 1/2 inches long. Eventually I would like to do almost double that. Now that is a challenge!

On the reddish brown bead, that little round 'spiral' is a reactive piece of murrini (Raku Mojo by Jet Age Studio) melted in fully. You can just see another peeping out from the next bead. Murrini, in essence is the same sort of thing as Millefiore, except of course the millefiore were /are flower shaped. Murrini can be any shape including flowers! 

Bicone shaped beads withglass frit application.

I also couldn't help but play around with frit and encasing... such fun... and SO much to learn! Glass is such a wonderful and addictive medium!

studio waterstone

Please click on the above logo to take you to see a little more "photos for macro makers and the cameralogically challenged"

Until next time, I am off to enjoy that Spring day...


  1. Wow, I love your beads, especially the long ones. The patterns are beautiful!

  2. Wow! Such cool and special macro shots!

  3. A little cool and gusty here today too, although the forecast is for warmer spring days later this week. The pendant is gorgeous. At first I thought it was a bowl. the details on the beads is amazing. Glass is quite a fascinating material to work with.

  4. Jenni those are GORGEOUS!!! Those little flowers always remind me of sea creatures! I am in awe : )

  5. Love, love, love your beads! I so am loving your playing with frit! Can't wait to see you play some more with glass!

  6. My goodness. What talent. You must have a keen eye and a steady hand for this type of hobby! Very beautiful.

  7. Your creations are so beautiful!

  8. so pretty. I love macro photos too and these are amazing.

  9. Oh Jenni, your beads have my nose plasted to the screen so I can take all the little detail in!! Oh my I hope someday this is something I can learn! I can't wait to see what you do with them!


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