
Sunday, September 9, 2012

I Heart macro - This Week!

Hello dear friends,

In front of my very eyes.. almost on an hourly basis.. it is just all happening in the garden!
Yes, you know what I am talking about.. Spring has arrived in Melbourne!

Last week it was rain and more rain.. the last few days strong winds.. but today is GORGEOUS and the flowers are agreeing.

Two of these beauties opened up this morning ( "Rock rose"? )

The flowering Crab Apple has started to open in the last few days.

Rich red growth on my "Wife of Bath" standard roses.

And even the little succulents are looking for the sun!

Days like this just make me feel so grateful to be alive and in the midst of such unfolding beauty!
Today I am linking up to :
studio waterstone

- a place for those who enjoy up close and macro photography... head on over for a look!

I hope your weekend is wonderful, too.


  1. Isn't spring glorious? I just love it. The soft colors and delicate buds are so precious. Here where I am it is turning to fall soon. The days are still warm but the leaves are changing color and starting to fall. I have to say I dread winter!

  2. ..isn't it just such a joy to see colour in the garden peeking through. Yes rock-rose, also know as cistus, like crumpled paper flowers, delightful photographs

  3. Spring is my most favorite season! It's turning fall here and I dread the winter! Your flowers are beautiful.

  4. What a beautiful colors of the flowers ;o)

  5. Love your Spring! I'll be right over! :-) That first one's leaves look like a soft crinkly paper--so fragile and beautiful. They all are! Enjoy your lovely Spring!

  6. Love all your pics but I especially love that first one - those petals just look so delicate! Happy Spring to you!!!

  7. Wonderful macros! Fall is now where I live...

  8. love your flowers. those little succulents are just adorable.

  9. Beautiful pictures, Jenni. You make me want to dig out my camera again.


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