
Sunday, August 12, 2012

I Heart Macro - Spring is just around the corner

Hello dear friends,

It is still officially Winter here in Melbourne.... however with only a little more than two weeks to the first day of Spring...dare I say the days seem already a little milder?! ( Touch wood!)

The garden, however is still looking fairly wintery, although the first early flowering bulbs and iris are here,  so I do feel justified in thinking my favourite season is definitely on her way. Here are a few gifts in my Winter garden.

I love the delicacy and shape of the Pieris, a Winter lover. And look at that pretty touch of pink on the stem.

The Green Goddess lily flowers all year round.

The violets are there all year round too, but seem more prolific in the cooler months. I love their sweet pop of colour against their leaves.

But it's the buds on the plant behind these old pots that tells me.."Spring is coming!"

I have forgotten what this is called!! It has LONG upright spikes about a metre in length...this one will be purple. The bees go crazy for it! Can anyone remind me?

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.. I am still browsing through Bead Soup.

Today I am linking up to I Heart Macro for those who love to take close up and macro photos. Please head on over for a look or even join in the fun.

studio waterstone

Cheers to all,


  1. All beautiful flowers. I can't help you with that last one but it sure is pretty!!

  2. Hi Jenni, I took a double take at the title of your Post. Spring?@*! Then I remembered you live downunder!
    LOL-have been out of the loop a bit while I have been getting used to working again, somewhere other than for myself that is. I have missed reading your blog so I am overindulging today. Love you Macro shots. Going to be sure to see your bead soup next.

  3. Gorgeous flowers! I especially love the one in the first shot.

  4. Your post made my day:it was nice to read about Spring when our summer here in Scandinavia is coming to its end. This summer has been extremely rainy here, not much sun. Hopefully we'll have a beautiful Autumn. Interesting to see those flowers, none of them familiar except for the pretty little violets. Have a lovely Spring! I like your pics and I'm sure that I'll visit your blog regularly. I've several embroidery books from Australia, with photos of plants and flowers in them. Let's see if I can solve the name problem. Anna

  5. So jealous of yourgarden! I have a black thumb, lol.

  6. I think the plant you are wondering about looks like a Protea. So, I started looking for Proteaceae in Australia, and found some really beautiful plants called Waratah. They grow and are cultivated in Australia and have beautiful flowers in spring. It would be interesting to know if your plants are Waratahs. Best regards from Sweden, Anna

  7. Springtime and flowers blooming sound nice. It's the end of summer here, but it's been too hot and we're all dried up in the middle of the U.S. (and elsewhere).

    Your flowers are beautiful and so are your photographs! I have a special fondness for the first and last!

  8. Jenni, I love this post, and not only for the joy of viewing your beautiful blooms. How awesome is this "world wide web" (what a wondrous name, we should use it more often)! Whatever our geographic circumstance, at the click of the mouse, we know we can partake of spring or summer, SOMEWHERE on our planet... Hoorah!

  9. Gosh, these are pretty! That first photo looks like what we would call Lily of the Valley. And that last photo...I have no idea what that is. It seems very tropically to me though. You're so lucky Spring is coming...I'm dreading the thought of Winter :)


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni