
Sunday, June 3, 2012

I Heart Macro - The Chinese Pot and the Fiddleback Fig Tree.

Hello dear friends,

I am back today for "I Heart Macro"... hosted by Lori at Studio Waterstone.

I love indoor plants. Yes, I know they have gone out of fashion... I don't have very many these days.
I have struggled at times to find the best place for them in this house.
It is now Winter here in Australia... heated homes play havoc with indoor plants... I hope I can keep the few I have going through the season... and beyond.

These photos are from a pretty, hand - painted pot which was gifted to me by my sister in law. I love the sweet design on it and the mix of colours. So cheery to look at on a dull Winter's day.

 Are these Peonies?

 I love the cute butterfly on the pot. It appears to be smiling, I think.

 The Fiddleback Fig Tree is in the Chinese pot... this plant is one of my current favourite indoor plants. Mine is still only little... about a metre tall.

This is how I wish it to look... one day.

 Or like this! Here is another beautiful fig... not to mention a gorgeous room.

 This plant is so beautiful against the white walls... I love it!

These last 3 images are from House Tweaking and were found on Pinterest. If you wish to see more of my pins they are at Jenni's boards on Pinterest.

( There are also some amazing beads and jewelery-  inspiration pins for all my jewelery- loving friends)
 I have 75 boards now.. so lots of beautiful photos from many talented people! But look out... it is quite addictive!

Today I am linking up to I Heart Macro for those who love close-up and macro photography.
Head on over for a worthwhile browse, just click on the photo link and it will take you straight there!.

studio waterstone

Cheers for now,


  1. Hi Jenni!!! I have a running joke with my Aussie friend - I laugh when she says "winter" because your winter is our shorts weather! ...Then she returns the favor when we have killer heat and humidity! For us anything in the 70's ( 21 celcius?)( or even 60's) is fantastic!I know she's wearing a sweater!!! lol Will those grow figs indoors? OMG I love figs!

  2. Gorgeous photos!! I didn't know they were out of style... good thing most people don't care or pay attention to such things...look at all the beauty we would miss! :)))

  3. Indoor plants are out of style? I had no idea> I'm currently dying to have some plants in my house. First I have to figure out what's safe for the cats in case they decide to try to consume them!
    Anyway. . .your planter is neat as is your beautiful plant!

  4. Oh, I love that fig tree! I've never been good at growing things inside or out!

  5. Love that pot and your plant! I had to take all my plants to work because my cats were eating them. At least with them at work I can see them every day.

  6. HI Jenni, thanks for stopping by, the grey is growing well, still a lot of black, my next hair cut should get more of the black out. No regrets, very happy with it, lots of compliments, more for my guts than my hair, I think! Have a great week. Your pics have given me some ideas, never thought I could keep such a large plat in a pot indoors.

  7. LOVE the photos! Chinese pots always have a story to tell.

    My Fiddler Fig had a dramatic haircut - it grew taller than the house so I gave it a trim - to a foot above ground level and now it has sprouted multiple trunks. None of the cuttings ever grew though. I should have trimmed it the beginning of summer.

    My boys arrive in Melbourne today.


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