
Sunday, May 20, 2012

I Heart Macro - Pretty in Pink.

Hello dear friends,

Thanks for still visiting me these last weeks...I have had a bit of the "Blog Blues"... just not knowing what to write and feeling like I haven't a lot to say etc...and hence keeping away.

I go through stages like that sometimes... however, today is another day... and I am joining up with our lovely host Lori.. over at Studio Waterstone for "I Heart Macro."
This is for those who love to take up close and macro photos... please join me over there and check it out!. Click on the photo below to take you straight there.

studio waterstone

Here are a few contributions from me.
It's that time of year.. for these beauties... pink Cyclamen.

A collection of little pink 'flags'

A sweet bud nestled in the centre.

Love the striations when you get up close and the flare of gorgeous bright pink. 

And just for fun, here is a mystery photo. Can you guess what it is?

I would also like to welcome my new followers... thank you for joining me. I promise I will lift my game!!

That's it for me today, folks!

Have a great day, whatever you do..


  1. Hi Jenni,
    You are not the only one that has been absent from posting, yes I am guilty too. Beautiful pink flower!
    My guess is styrofoam sticks.

  2. Beautiful colour and texture. Nope, I haven't a clue what that is!

  3. What gorgeous colors! They almost look painted :)

    *Is it a black and white 'floor mop' image??

  4. I have felt the same and been really struggling with content! A lot of people have felt this this far as that last photo it sort of looks like Mcdonalds french fries but maybe a sponge?

  5. Your photos are stunning! great work and you should show off more of it :) I know how you feel, sometimes I think Oh why would anyone be interested - but, it passes . . .

  6. Belle fotografie, brava! buona serata...ciao


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni