
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bead Table Wednesday - Chains!

Hello dear friends,

As some of you may know, I have been making chains lately. I started off making an oval copper chain for practice and financial consideration... copper is a mere fraction of the cost of sterling silver as I am sure you know.

However, I decided to "bite the bullet"and make something from sterling silver wire.

The first silver chain I made is a simple Trace Chain made with 16gauge (1.2mm) round wire. I am not entirely happy with it as I found some of the shaping a little difficult... some of the links are not as parallel as I would like... but it is a first for me and I guess I should not be so hard on myself!

It is soldered, filed and sanded and now awaits polishing. ( "honey, where is that tumbler!!")

I have now started on a second chain and decided to go with a Figure-Eight loop chain. This is a simple shape found in most wire books. The difference in making this particular figure eight loop, is that the wire end is first filed into the shape below, so that when you make the first small end loop, the wire sits neatly in the groove you have filed away and when you consequently solder that end loop, it makes for a neater finish.

This is how the filed wire ends look after filing that tiny groove. That did take a little practice to get right.

Here are my first soldered figure eight loops...( also made with 16 gauge (1.25mm round wire) Three passes of soldering was done on each link... the end loops and two in the centre. These figure eight loops will eventually have a small circular ring soldered to each end as well...  only10 more Figure eight links to make, 27 small rings plus 12 connector rings and clasp... well I have made a start!

This is the look of the finished chain. ( This picture is taken from the book below)

This is the book I have been learning from... "Making Silver Chains" by  Glen F. Waszek.

I must say I am enjoying the process of chain making so far which is quite a surprise to me. It is repetitious... it is a little "production line"... but I find I get in my little green shed, turn on the music and time just disappears. It has taken me my whole life... but I think I have finally developed patience!

Today I am linking up to Bead Table Wednesday... a  Flickr group started by our host Heather from Humblebeads. Head on over for a look.. it is always inspirational!

Until next time,


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday I Heart macro

Hello friends,

Every week I say this... where has the week gone!!

I noticed this in my garden this week and thought I would show you... isn't it a beauty... some type of seed pod from a leafy plant I have growing in the garden... I call it "Elephant Ears" because of the size and shape of the leaves, but I am pretty sure that is not a real name! Does anyone know it's real name?

Unusual, isn't it!?

The Persimmon tree is laden with fruit and the birds have been having a field day.... I love the look of the tree and fruit but just cannot like the astringent aftertaste the fruit leaves in my mouth.

This was one of the exercises we did at my drawing class this last week. We had to draw this face without taking pen from paper. Not only that, we had to draw it upside down! That certainly tested my brain!
Interestingly, it seemed a little easier to do the drawing upside down than right way up.... something to do with your brain distinguishing shapes as opposed to the face in it's entirety. It was good to turn it the right way round and see that it did actually resemble a face! Quite a surprise.

This was the second exercise.. we had to copy a picture and  give it shading and depth purely using 'squiggles'... done in sections as we progressed with the picture... once again another exercise for both brain and hand.... so hard not to draw an outline first.... I was surprised some in the class could not manage this concept at all. It certainly is harder to create in a different way than usual... more fun, though!

And the last item I have been still working on this week, is this soldered silver chain. I finally finished shaping and soldering the links and the clasp. Now to tidy it up with sanding and polishing... the labour intensive bit!

As usual on a Sunday, I am linking up to I Heart Macro for those who like to see the world close up!
Head on over to Lori's for a look.

Until next time,

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I Heart Macro - Pretty in Pink.

Hello dear friends,

Thanks for still visiting me these last weeks...I have had a bit of the "Blog Blues"... just not knowing what to write and feeling like I haven't a lot to say etc...and hence keeping away.

I go through stages like that sometimes... however, today is another day... and I am joining up with our lovely host Lori.. over at Studio Waterstone for "I Heart Macro."
This is for those who love to take up close and macro photos... please join me over there and check it out!. Click on the photo below to take you straight there.

studio waterstone

Here are a few contributions from me.
It's that time of year.. for these beauties... pink Cyclamen.

A collection of little pink 'flags'

A sweet bud nestled in the centre.

Love the striations when you get up close and the flare of gorgeous bright pink. 

And just for fun, here is a mystery photo. Can you guess what it is?

I would also like to welcome my new followers... thank you for joining me. I promise I will lift my game!!

That's it for me today, folks!

Have a great day, whatever you do..