
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

BTW... A Mixed Bag!

Hello friends,

Today I am linking in to Bead Table Wednesday... the name speaks for itself, I think.
Here are a few things on my table today and also  some of what I have been working on during the week...

Clasps, and soldering are the two main things on the work table this week.

 Here is the chain I started on last week. All it needs is a bit of a clean up and a clasp. I also managed to solder on some little rings to the larger ones...still working out if I will use them for earrings or backless bezels... nice to have a choice.

Stacked clasp (from an online course with Deryn Mentock) using my handmade head pins and glass beads, resin paper and a dash of sari silk. These were a practice really, will have to do them again using a sturdier wire for the loop.

And to add to the mix, I made some resin paper this week and experimented a little with backless bezels...these have ground cumin added to the resin and sesame seeds. I had a great idea to put the sesame seeds in a pattern...gave up quickly on that idea...must look for a larger - seed option!

Please head on over to the Flickr group and check out all the other beady Wednesday photos. If you wish to join up, it is easy and free. It's a great source of inspiration... and a lot of fun, too!

Hope you are having a fab Wednesday,


  1. Jenni, a post full of my someday I want to learn.....I have only used the resin on my washers. I have never thought of using the spice for a speckled rock. I think you can have the seeds...way too tiny to organize! looking forward to what becomes of the rings...

  2. I love how your work is progressing. Solder envy! Your chain is fab! I am eager for some extra time so that I can focus on fun stuff again, so I can get to learn soldering too.

  3. Beautiful work Jenni! I adore your clasps and the chain is AMAZING! Thanks for your visit!

  4. I love that chain you are working on!


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