
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blog love and Revisiting Forgotten Skills.

Hello friends,

I have always been a 'dabbler'. Throughout my life I have tried lots of craft... patchwork, sewing, knitting in small amounts etc. I just like to try new things. Most things I can be quite o.k at...but really, I am master of none! And that is fine with me, too.

Recently I have been exploring blogs that offer a variety of craft and artistic expression. One of the ones I am in awe and in love with at the moment is Geninnes's Art Blog. She is painter and specialises in sweet, colourful and quirky bird paintings. As a bird lover from way back, it has a lot of appeal to me for this reason.
Multi-talented, Geninne also embroiders, paints rocks and takes amazing photos around her home in Mexico.
On her blog, she offers a free bird embroidery pattern, so when some embroidery cottons were gifted my way just recently, I thought I would give it a go.

While rummaging through my craft supplies, I came across a needle holder that was mine when I was in High School.... Grade 2A to be precise... I was 14! Sorry.. I am not going to divulge how long ago that was! I did love all that we were taught in our Sewing classes... including embroidery. Unfortunately any samples from that period are long gone.

This is my school needle holder - it was old when I first was given it.  I love the poem.

Starting with the basics again...back stitch.

Head on over to Geninne's Art Blog for the full pattern.

Today I am linking up with our host, Lori at Studio Waterstone for I Heart Macro. This is a Sunday post for those who love up-close and Macro photography... head on over and take a look at lots of great up close photos.

studio waterstone

Bye for now,


  1. How cool Jenni - thanks for sharing her blog and the pictures of the embordiary. I was never a sewer - mom bought me a cross stitch pattern once and it all ended up knotted. I don't think I can even sew a button on - I usually take it to mom and say "Fix please". I can't wait to see your completed piece.
    Have a greate one!

  2. I'm a dabbler too, and proud of it -- just think of all the fabulous variety of art we get to play with! I love embroidery and find it so relaxing; Geninne's style is so sweet, too. I'm also looking forward to seeing your finished piece!

  3. Jenni - this is beautiful! I love it! I can't wait to see your finished piece. I learned to cross stitch in high school and came across some of my 'old' supplies the other day and well, it brought back memories that were very happy as did your photos today! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love that embroidery has made a comeback. This looks like a fun pattern to do! I really like the middle macro shot!

  5. I haven't done embroidery in years! I love the silky look of the cotton.

  6. Fun! I have been doing some bead embroidery and enjoying a change too. That bird pattern is delightful. You will have to keep us updated!

  7. I am the same - sometimes I wish I could settle and concentrate! I used to do embroidery and cross stitch but my hands just won't do it anymore they cramp right up. I've been dying to try free hand sewing as a replacement! These are lovely I must go check out her birds!


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni