
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Playing with Pixlr

Hello Friends,

Trying out a few effects at is a lot of fun...I am pretty sure I will use this free editing/effects program when Picknik disappears. I like some of the effects...but still need to give it a more in depth look before making too many comments.

Here are a few effects applied using the same photo.


Adding a rainbow effect and  cornered frame.

Adding retro vintage effects, Ground Frame .

Trying  to remember what you did to the photo is a problem ( for me anyway) I really need to explore more
and see what other effects are is just an initial explore.

So for those who have used this are you finding there an easy way to remember and document what you have done?.......what are the editing issues you have come across and what do you love the most?

Bye for now....
Going to do some real research!!



  1. Didn't relize that picnic was going poof until this morning.. I don't use it that often... willcheck out Pixir!

    Need effects... like the pieces your playing with too!

  2. I love pixlr. There is no easy way to remember what effects you've applied, but I just play until I find something I like. They just added a lot of new items which you can add to the ones that are on the program by default.

  3. Jenni,
    I'm going to miss picnic when it is gone it is so user friendly. I have not played around with very many different applications yet, but I have visited pixlr.

  4. Thanks, Lynne, Geri and's going to be fun learning something new! Thank you for dropping by...we will all be learning new stuff together....Although I am traditionally behind the eight ball when it ones to all of these new things!


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