
Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Heart Macro - Book Love.

Hello dear readers,

It has been a week of "firsts" for me...a 'first' at making quite a few metal jewellery components......this has been a stimulating, exciting task for me..I am loving it and can't wait to make more!
I find I wake up in the night thinking about it...planning designs and thinking how to achieve that design. I haven't been that excited about jewellery making since I started glass bead making years ago.

Another 'first' has been reading a book on my iPad. I have read articles before but not a full was 'The Help'...for those who want a good read...lots of human drama, humour and sadness mixed in with this one.

The next 'first' is I have downloaded on to my iPad an audio book to read while I make jewellery.
It is a lengthy historical saga recommended by a friend... thanks Belinda.
I hope I like it as there are 140 hour of listening time on it!! I will let you know how it goes.

I know there are many people who stoically refuse to embrace books downloaded on to e-readers. That's o.k. I do understand the reasons. I have been a book lover my whole life and see the iPad as just another way of accessing a good book. I will never give up my 'real' book favourites. And I do still buy hard copy books, too.

Here are a couple of old books  from a collection I have on my bedroom mantle shelf.....some were old ones that had belonged to my parents, some were mine. They are a thing of beauty in a way that e-books can never be!

Beautiful patterns on the spine.

Titles...remember these ones?

An old family bookend.

Today I am linking up to I Heart Macro...Up Close Photography for Macro makers and the Camerologically Challenged. 

Click on the photo link below to take you to Lori's site at Studio Waterstone to see  other participant's photos.

studio waterstone

Cheers for now,


  1. beautiful shots Jenni, love the book spines....

  2. They just dont make beautiful books like that anymore. They are so lovely. Great shots.

  3. weren't some of the old books decorated so elegantly? Lovely treasures you have there

  4. I just love old books like these. And the bookend looks like a REAL bookend! Really great shots!

  5. I'm a librarian by profession, so I can't help but appreciate that you did your entry on books in all their wonderful formats!

  6. Jenni, I love the old book spines decorated in a way that is not done so much any more. I read The Help in book form and it is a great book. I also listen to audio books while making jewelry. I just finished The Mask by Dean Koontz. What is the title of the audio book that you are about to listen to?

  7. Adore the bookend!!! I love old books too.

  8. Oh my gosh - The Water Babies! I swear we had the exact same copy in the house when I was a little girl. Sadly I've no idea what happened to it but It's fantastic childrens classic. I'd love to transfer those spine designs to metal clay if I could find a way to do it without spoiling the books.

  9. Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby !!! I loved the Water Babies - absolutely love old books ...well all kinds of books. I don't mind a reader by there is nothing like a book! Love the old illustrations and paper too! I love your excitement about creating that's how you now you are on to something good! XO

  10. Books are what I use my iPad most often for.
    Absolutely love it!!
    Sending you wishes for a great start to your week!

  11. I adore my iPad for reading and am intrigued by the fact that you can listen to a book. I've listened to a few poscasts, but hadn't thought to try downloading an audio book.

    Of course, I do love the appeal of an old book, yours are great!

  12. Oh I LOVE books, especially old books! I loved the Water Babies. Great images too!

  13. Great pics, and great! I am green with envy!

  14. Jenni, I just love the look and feel of old books as well. They are my favorite jewelry props - so useful all around. My husband is a big iPad reader - and downloads books for the kids to read as well. There really is a place for both old fashioned books and virtual books.


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