
Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Heart Macro- A Different Era.

Hello dear readers,

Welcome to my Sunday post of I Heart macro - hosted by Lori from Studio Waterstone.

Did you guess what it was?

Just noticed there is a dead spider attached to the ribbon!

Partially exposed on the left is my computer wireless about juxtaposition of old and new!

This lovely old typewriter has seen plenty of work and love over the years, and remarkably, still works.
No, it was not mine...but a gift from an elderly friend.

I did once learn to school.....and I was terribly bad at it.
The teacher, in desperation put paper over the keys so I wouldn't look at them! That worked well!
I then typed total drivel...and still didn't remember where the keys were located. I just don't think my heart was ever in it....and I still type with 2 fingers and look at the keys to this day!

My father was a journalist and I remember the constant tap-tap of the keys at home....he had one like this was much quieter when he became all modern and purchased an electric typewriter. I missed that re-assuring sound, but I think my Mother was glad to hear the end of it!

studio waterstone

Please head on over to Lori's for a peak at other photos by those who love macro and close-up photography. Click on the picture logo above and it will take you straight there!

Hope your weekend is a good one.



  1. Such interesting macros of vintage items! At first, I thought the first one was a large reel of filnm as used in old picture theatres!

  2. I thought it was film too! I loveFunny there is a spider attached, just adds to the texture :) Cool pics!

  3. I remember this so well. The black and red ribbon has to put it, I find it very beautiful now ^_^

    What Am I

  4. Wonderful photos. You had me guessing. :)

  5. Wonderful macro of this old typewriter. I still look at the keys when I time, but can use up to three fingers

  6. What a great post, and a fascinating typewriter. Have not thought of those in the longest, but remember my mom typing with hers when I was in bed at night. Have not thought of that for so long. What a neat gift for someone to give you ( if you get rid of the spider) . Nice photos, and thank you for stopping by my blog .

  7. wonderful photos....I guessed correctly....

  8. Such great photos and a great subject too! The spider just adds to the character of the old typewriter!

  9. love it; knew right away -- terrific macros -- when I was a junior in high school had a typing test on a manual (similar) and did 92 wpm... tough fingers! LOL -- thanks for the recollection. kareninkenai (i heart macro)

  10. What fun and what great shots! I thought the first one was a reel of film. By the time I got to the 2nd one, I decided I was all wrong, it was something to do with the inside of a car. Should have recognized that ribbon! By 3, it was clear to me! What a delightful series!

  11. great photos and what a wonderful piece of history, it's beautiful!

  12. How cool! No, I didn't guess correctly. I thought it was an old measuring tape. Love the pics.

  13. So funny I knew exactly what it was because when I was younger I used my mothers typewriter for papers!I still really miss the simplicity of it - putting in the paper and the words go right where you want. I remember changing that ribbon too! What a blast! : )

  14. What a lovely heirloom - and great pictures!

  15. Jenni, I knew from the first shot that it was an old typewriter. I learned to type on a manual typewriter (not as old as that one) and my teacher did the same thing covered the keys. I can type without looking most of the time.

  16. I love, love, love old typewriters. I remember pounding away at the one my mom had in the house when I was a kid. I'm always on the lookout for one of my own.
    Your shots are really something, dead spider or not.

  17. Beautiful photos. I believe I have an old typewriter out in the garage. You've inspired me to go photograph it!


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