
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday - Perseverance is Required!

Hello dear friends,

It's a gorgeous sunny day here in Melbourne. There has been so much Spring rain recently, my garden is running rampant. So, today after this post..that's where I will be...trimming and weeding, cutting and planting. Sounds like fun...yes I love it....although have to pace myself as my back doesn't!

This week I have continued my love affair with copper...bashing and beating it...and doing my best to solder with it. (You Tube has been a great learning tool in this regard...years ago, I did a little bit of soldering..but have really forgotten how to approach I refreshed my memory on can look anything up there these days!)

Here are a few attempts.

I love my bird house which I textured with hammers etc, however when soldering the second roof line...the copper edging moved. There was actually meant to be a bigger gap where the roof line crossed and I had planned to put a jump ring in there so I could hang it on a cord or chain.....foiled with that idea! So, I drilled a hole...but really, the hole is too far down in to the body of the roof....will have to try it again I guess....patience and perseverance is required!

I am loving this leaf..."smooth and rough" I am calling it...I believe I was  definitely thinking about life  and all it's variances when making this one.

It still needs a bit of Liver of Sulphur Patina...and hopefully, I can drill a hole in the little stalk at the top.
I like the rustic effect of the torch-fired patina in the first leaf I made (Top photo) but it looks more like a pair of lips than a leaf!!

I have also been attempting to learn how to do tube rivets, can see some extremely bad examples in the first photo.....lots of practise and patience required to improve there, I think!
Perseverance required for all.

Part of my front garden and lush Spring growth.

Today I am linking up to  the Flickr site of Bead Table Wednesday..... hosted by Heather  at Humblebeads. You can check out what other people have on their bead table's this week.

Cheers for now,


  1. Those are really some fun pieces. I really, really like that birdhouse. It's a shame that the hole got messed up. Oh well. . .it's still adorable.

  2. Loving your copper work Jenni but oh my! I think I'm loving your garden looks beautiful, especially when mine is full of falling lives and fading plants.

  3. Jenni, I have enjoyed viewing your progress with the copper pieces. The little bird house is so cute. Could you drill another tiny hole under or beside the exsiting hole? Then you can lace a wire bail through the holes.

  4. Oooh, I love the bird house! It's adorable! And that leaf with the texture on one half and smooth on the other is just wonderful! As for your garden *happy sigh* I love it :)

  5. I love what you did with the copper Jenni!

  6. Such an interesting process - people take these things for granted and forget how much work goes into making them. I think you are doing fantastic!

  7. Very nice copper work Jenni! I don't think copper gets enough respect, it's a beautiful metal!


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