
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday - My Sari Silk Order Has Arrived!

Hello dear readers,

A lovely package arrived today...some beautiful sari-silk that I purchased online from Design Talent on etsy. She has a wonderful shop, so go and take a peek!

I have seen lots of wonderful designs using sari silk and really can't wait to give it a go. First up are wrapped beads, which I have learnt how to do in the last month or so and  really want to elaborate on the very basic ones I have made.

Just look at these gorgeous colours!! I chose mostly colours with an antique-type of appeal. My very generous supplier, also included a few extras for good measure. Thank you Lashell! I actually love the grey, olive and blue you sent as an extra.

How gorgeous are these colours!!

Don't you just want to pick them up?

The beautiful pile.

Hope you are all having a good day...I am off to my bead table... sari silk will be spread far and wide pretty soon!

Today I am linking up to Bead Table Wednesday - Please click on the Btw picture logo on my blog sidebar and it will take you straight there... you can check out all the delights on the bead tables there!



  1. mmm they look luscious. Really interested to see what you create with these fine fabrics. Beautiful colours

  2. Gorgeous ribbon!! Such beautiful colors, and YES! I do want to touch the sari!!

  3. I love the intensity of silk colors -- you've gotten some gorgeous ones here!

  4. Thanks for visiting Carole, Sally and Kathleen. I appreciate it. Hope to show you something made with Sari soon....

  5. They are beautiful. I look forward to seeing what you do with them.

  6. This is gorgeous Jenni!
    I love the wonderful jewel-like colors.

  7. These are all such luscious colors. I just want to rub my hands over them. . .or my face. . . anyway. . . I'm looking forward to seeing what you create!

  8. Wow, can't wait to see what you make! The colors are so beautifully saturated!

  9. She is a great seller! Yours are beautiful.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni