
Monday, October 3, 2011

How to make a Jewelry bench pillow....

Hello dear readers,

Just recently I started an on - line jewlery making course with Deryn Mentock.

I actually already had some of the tools required...but decided I needed to upgrade from a small towel under my metal bench block to something a little nicer and hopefully, better.

Yesterday while I was at my local flea market, I purchased some scraps of leather for $2.00 which I thought would be ideal to use to make a bench pillow.

Here are the steps I used to complete my little project -

1. Scraps of leather. ( Those scissors could be a little more attractive! )

2. Leather needle. $6.00 for the pack of 5 needles. I used size 90 (14)

3. Baking paper sewn to the leather .This helps grip the leather to the machine 'teeth' and propel it forward.
The stitch size was set on large. (Any thinnish paper would do) It has been recommended that two rows of stitching next to each other be used for greater durability.

4. The  pillow was filled with sand (free).
The sand was then put in to a small plastic bag, prior to inserting in to the pouch and then the last side was sewn up.

5. Finished Pillow... (Paper removed) total cost - $ 8.00. ( AUS)
 Pictured here with steel block and chasing hammer.

For those who do not sew or do not wish to make their own, a selection of bench block pillows are available (from the U.S.A) at The Antique Palette on etsy.



  1. Cool Jenni, I'm going to have to make one of these. Here I was thinking with was a pillow to sit on. LOL

  2. Oh yes...I should have said , "Jewelry bench pillow!"..thanks for stopping by Therese.

  3. That's great Jenni! Thanks for sharing. Do you mind if I link to it? I do a Tutorial Tuesday feature on my blog.

  4. How cool is that! I never thought of the baking sheet paper, too. Fantastic tutorial.

  5. This is fantastic Jenni!
    Thank you for sharing, and enjoy your online class.

  6. Ohhh that came out so nicely! Very good work.

  7. Thanks everyone who commented...I am pleased to say it works so well...the hammering sound is definitely more muted whilst using this (rather than a towel) if I can do can too!!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. No way! I can't believe it... I am in Deryn's BOHO Bliss class *right now*! Her latest one just started today. I wanted to make a hommade bench pillow to save some $$, and your blog post came up on page 1 of search results. Very cool. Thanks for posting the how-to... I think I'm going to try it! :)

  10. I referred to your blog post in my recent blog post... you can see it here:

  11. Baking paper? Do you mean parchment paper? Also did you just pour the sand inside with out a ziplock bag or anything? Thanks!


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