
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Soup's up! "Spring Sampler" necklace.

 Hello dear readers, 

Well today is the big reveal…this is the day of the Bead Soup Blog Hop organised by Lori

There are 362 participants from 21 countries (and 5 continents)

We each were paired with a partner. My partner is Jennifer aka, Jennifer Jangles, a talented ceramic artist.
We exchanged a focal bead, clasp and other co-ordinating beads.

Just to remind you, these were the beads Jennifer sent to me.

Bead Soup ingredients.

As you can see, Jennifer's beads are fun and playful, colorful and funky.
I decided to (try and) find my inner child, buried deep within!

For me, one of the personal challenges of the Bead Soup participation is to challenge myself to not only use different styles of beads, but also to learn and apply different techniques to my piece (s) as well.
My wire working skills are pretty basic…so I felt that this was a time to teach myself a little more....
So, with the help of a good book or two (more on that to come) I coiled, twisted and wrapped and added these extras to Jennifer’s beads.

I called the result "Spring Sampler" (see below) - because it is now Spring in Australia and Jennifer's ingredients were bright, cheerful and inspiring, just like the Season.

The full necklace -" SPRING SAMPLER"

I  added a pale aqua etched lampwork disc made by myself and a silver (soldered!) ring which I wrapped purple and silver wire on about half of it..
I also used suede cord for the first time  and was delighted to find this gorgeous colored suede amongst my supplies.

Coiled Para wire connector, lampwork etched disc and little 'white heart' glass beads.

I included a few little (old) 'white heart' African, aqua glass beads which were a perfect match to the dots on the flower focal. I was originally going to use these at the back of the necklace…….. but changed my mind at the last minute! Coiled purple wire loops provided the attachments to the suede cord which was then connected to the ceramic clasp.

Purple Para wire wrapped around one of Jennifers beads and a blue free form wire 'cage' bead.

I paired the necklace with a pair of earrings using Jennifer's lovely purple and blue ceramic barrel beads. Hand made “Tumbleweed French Ear Wires" (from the book "Handcrafted Wire Findings") were fun to make and very easy even for a novice.

The colored wire is 'Para' wire which was fun and easy to use. (I was a little disappoiunted with the pale aqua wire…it seemed to come from the coil in varying color strengths – I am not too sure if this is normal for that color or just an aberration.) It also did not look uniform in color on the roll or in the coil on the necklace. Oh well…

I also do wonder still if I should have stuck with my original idea (beads rather than suede) as I do find there is a cohesiveness about repeating elements….what do you think is best …..beads or suede cord?

So, that’s it from me…

There are now 361 other blogs to look at!  Here is the (massive) list!

BSBP Partner list

The Hostess, Lori Anderson and her partner, Manuela Wutschke

19. Anna Sabina­­­­ and Erin Siegel

82. Jenni Connolly [YOU ARE HERE]
        and Jennifer Heynen [MY PARTNER]


Have fun hopping and I will see you soon.




  1. Love the colours Jenni! I think the suede cord works but I have no doubt that beads would have been pretty too. You must be the first bead soup post-er, I'm sure! It's still very much Friday here so I am off to take some pictures of my pieces now. x x x

  2. I love the Spring Sampler! My favorite part is that yellow bead that you wrapped in the wire. So clever, I want to learn how to do that. You did a fantastic job with my beads. I hope you like the necklace that I made with your's still Friday in the US so it will be another 10 hours before my post goes up. :)

    Happy Bead Soup Day!

  3. Love what you did Jenni - bright and fun, especially now we're gearing up for autmn over here, and I like the contrasting texture of the suede.I've never used that shade of parawire but the colour variation seems a little odd. My post will be up in a few hours so not far behind you. Enjoy the party.

  4. Wow, not only did you make a beautiful necklace and earrings, but the photos are outstanding.....I definitely need some pointers, lol......gorgeous work!

  5. Thanks Rebecca, Jen, Lesley and Tracy for your comments. This is going to be such a mammoth event..I am having fun already! The time thing is always a problem for me...I never know WHEN I am supposed to post..oh well, done now!! jenx

  6. Google is telling me that I'm not authorized to leave comments... this could be a long painful morning! Love the necklace and I think the leather makes it look very light and springy.

    Does your aqua wire have sterling in it ... I had a roll of pink sterling wire fade like that!

    Re Kumhimo if you use a normal weight of cord and size 6 beads it goes very quickly!

  7. I really love both the necklace and the earrings. The suede looks perfect with it but I'm sure the beads would too. It's all in personal preference. I usually prefer to not have solid beads on a necklace, but others do. The colors are fun and love the asymmetrical-ness of it. A little suggestion, you might want to add a link at the top of your page so people know where to look.

  8. Thanks Jennifer, for your comment...have now added the gadget.

  9. LOVE IT! I love how you wire wrapped that striped yellow bead! Outstanding technique, its such a cool look!

  10. Lovely necklace! I like how you used BSBP as a challenge to work with new techniques. The colours and asymmetry is really nice and the mix of different types of wire-wrapped components add interest. I especially like that wrapped yellow bead.

    As for beads only or suede, I like how the suede looks against the ceramic components. As Jennifer said, it'll probably mostly be a matter of personal taste if one prefers the one or the other.

    I kind of like the idea of a non-uniform colour on the wire, but of cause if you're gooing for a more uniform look it'll be a disappointment to find that the wire isn't as expected. And we'll have to hope it's not a sign that more colour will come of later. But as it is now, I think it looks nice from what I can tell from the pics.

  11. Jenni! I'm speechless and just staring at the necklace! GORGEOUS! I love the different types of wirewrapping, so creative! Great job!

  12. Your piece does convey the idea of Spring- it is very pretty.

  13. It's beautiful and I love the aqua coil, its actually one of my favorite parts. I have yet to try using wire for wrapping or coiling but I might have to now!

  14. What a fun reminder that it's spring in another part of the world as we're fast heading into autumn here in Seattle. I loved the closeups - they really let me enjoy the lovely details of your necklace without mushing my nose to the screen. :)

  15. What a fun and yummy soup! I adore that piece. It's absolutely beautiful!

  16. This is so lovely! I really love the colors, and it is definitely reminiscent of spring. Very bright and whimsical. Great work! ♥

  17. I love this Jenni the words that come to mind are fun, fresh and absolutely stunning!

  18. Love the aqua coil - stunning pieces. Very whimsical.

  19. Love the fun way you mixed the glass and ceramic with the wirewrapping. A very vibrant and bouncy set.

  20. These designs are too fun! Love the colors and the wire work!

  21. Great piece, Jenni. I love the texture of the blue suede lace at the back!

  22. What a beautiful soup you made my friend, your work is truly stunning!! Thanks for sharing & all I can say is yummmmmy!!!

  23. So pretty! I love the different techniques you incorporated! It is just so HAPPY. :)

  24. I love the necklace you made! The colors are fun and I really like the wire work.

    Have a great week!

  25. Isn't it spring time down under? Love the necklace, you have added some wonderful components to bring out the best in these happy beads.

  26. Oh, such lovely colors, and kudos to you for stretching yourself for this challenge! It turned out very well, very pretty! Great job!

  27. Love the final outcome and your fab wirework. It really complements the curves in the beads.

  28. I like the suede. I'm impressed with all the wire skills you tested out. That should be my next step as well. I think you necklace is delightful! Good Work!

  29. Jenni, you have a wonderful gift with color! I loved how you brought so many complimentary colors into the necklace and introduced excitement with your many textures of wire creations! Gorgeous!

  30. Jenni, what a fun and whimsical necklace - and I would love wearing it in a heartbeat! I like the mix of beads in both size and color..and I think the suede cord is perfect. I wouldn't change a thing! Your tumbleweed earwire earrings are so pretty...I find it hard to imagine you're not more skilled with wire than you let on! :-) I love the variety of wirework that you used in your pieces!

  31. Hi Jenni,
    Love love love your necklace. Great design and I love all of your wire wrapping. The necklace is perfect the way it is! Great job! Julie

  32. love what you did with the purple wire-wrapping! great job! :)

  33. I adore that clasp. Great work, wirewrapping and everything.

  34. I love this Jenni it's exactly what you were going for playful, happy and totally speaks to my inner child!!! Just plain fun! Happy Hopping : )

  35. Spring sampler - what a great concept. Loved the necklace. Also you jewelry photography is great, always a problem for me. Good work.

  36. Such a nice necklace! It truly tastes like spring, I can smell it;0) There is so much lightness of beeing in it! And you did a great wirework too!
    Greetings, Michi

  37. Aren't Jennifer's pieces fun! I love the whimsy of your finished piece. We’re all being pushed outside our comfort zones — with amazing results!

    Enjoy the hop,

  38. Wonderful! You have created a terrific piece of wearable art. I like your use of color and texture, and I do think the suede cord works. Thank you for sharing your artistic process along the way. Cheers!

  39. No no, I like the suede! When there are a lot of things going on, I think that helps the eyes "rest" a bit (says the person who messed up her necklace). I truly love this piece -- totally my style and I'd wear it!

    I hope you'll join me next time! The badge and dates will be posted tomorrow, the 19th!

    Love, Lori

  40. Such whimsical wonder! Love the beads and what you did with them. What a fun necklace to wear in the spring and summer.

  41. The suede is good, it's precisely what this Bead Soup is for, right? Trying new things! And it worked, the suede looks really good!

  42. Great piece, very playful indeed! I really like the suede, and that you challenged yourself with techniques. The caged bead is neat!

  43. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR NECKLACE. This is my favorite piece I have seen so far. The colors are beautiful, the mix of materials is great. WONDERFUL.

  44. I'm sitting here wondering what your wirework skills looked like before, if you consider yourself just basic? That is some of the most beautiful wirework I've seen! Love the contrast of purple wire with the yellow bead. I really like the suede cord. Thank you for the close up pics too. Great to get to see all the wonderful detail. You did a stunning job!

  45. What a cool and colourful bead soup and you did a great job with it,Jenni! Love the necklace - it's so happy and funky.
    Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on my blog . I truly appreciate it :)
    Geanina :))

  46. Thank you to each and everyone who has popped by and commented...I sincerely appreciate all your comments and advice. hello Lori and Shirley ...and welcome.

  47. Oh I LOVE the cord! That soft yet bright, cheerful piece of suede just makes the colors in the rest of it pop that much more :) Plus I bet it feels so much nicer on your neck then beads or chain would ;)

  48. I like the leather it adds a different texture to the necklace. Your wire work looks great!!

  49. Wow, what a gorgeous necklace! Love it! :)

  50. Jenni, this is a lovely necklace and such great earrings to go with it! I love how you tried to go a bit out of your comfort zone with it too, just what should be done with the BSBP!

  51. What a fun and colourful piece, I just love "spring sampler" and it's a lovely change after all the fall pieces I've been seeing on the hop. Laughted at your posting your piece early...I did the same thing, completely forgot about the time difference (and then wondered why there weren't any blogs up to hop to, doh!). Big wave from Brisbane...x

  52. This IS springy and wonderful! It's airy and nicely balanced, and I do like the leather because it adds just the right rustic touch. I love this!

  53. I just love the necklace. If you hadn't mentioned your basic wire skills I would have thought you have worked with wire a long time.

    Personally, I love the suede as it echoes the color of the focal. And I love the name you chose for the piece!

  54. Beautiful, Jennifer's beads are always so cheerful, I love them too. That suede really ties everything together too.

  55. How can you not fall in love with this cheery piece? You designed and crafted a stunning necklace!

  56. What a beautiful necklace You created from this soup !! and with that around Your neck spring is not far away :)

  57. Love it! Wonderful use of your soup, and your own components really spiced it up! What a fun, playful necklace. Great earrings, too. I appreciate how you walked up through your process - great pics, too!

  58. I like it with the suede. Your coiled wire connectors add some wonderful texture to the piece. Such a fun necklace. Love the way you outlined your steps, too.

  59. I really like the combination of the wire and suede in your finished necklace. Great job incorporating all of the wire work! Such beautiful pieces! :)

  60. I love love love your combo, the wire and clay pieces are just light and beautiful.

  61. What a great combination of elements and color.....lovely work.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such nice kudos.

  62. Hi there my Aussie friend! Thanks so much for swinging by my soup party, and I LOVE your necklace. Wow, so stinkin cute! Love the little daisy, and the combination of colors and textures, I never would have introduced purple in that, and I love it! Great job. Riki

  63. OMG! Gorgeous! I love the color palette. I'm in awe.It's perfectly well combined.

  64. You say you are fairly new to wire wrapping but you couldn't prove that by me looking at your skills in this necklace! fabulous! Love the coils and the purple wrapped bead of Jennifer's, very creative! Thanks for your comments on my necklace and yes, the wire is sterling filled and I oxidized it with liver of sulfur, the chain is sterling silver also oxidized.

  65. I LOVE your piece. I think I might like the cording you used best. It's different, and I love the color! You are right, they are very fun beads! NICE JOB!!!

  66. I really like how changed the feel of the beads, and added an urban type look, it really elevates the beads. Great job!

  67. Jenny, this is stunning! You took these playful components and turned them into something very "adult". This is honestly one of the best bead soup pieces I have seen so far. Great job!!!
    Oh, and thank you for your nice comment on my blog! UTEE is Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel - scrapbookers often use it, but it also works great to alter beads :)

  68. Wooops, I meant Jenni with i, of course!!!!! Soooooo sorry for that!!!!!!!!!!

  69. I love your necklace! It's a beautiful design and shows off the gorgeous cermaic beads beautifully.

  70. Not only did you design beautiful and unique pieces, but your photography is dramatic.

  71. Really fun necklace and great earrings! I like how you incorporated wire work. I also like the title as well-I forget that the other side of the world is experiencing spring now! It is autumn here in the United States. Happy Spring to you!

  72. Really cute and fun pieces of jewellery!

  73. Oooh, I love love these! That necklace is wonderful! I love the suede, I think it was the perfect choice!! And way to work that wire! Fantastic!

  74. Jenni, Spring Sampler is SO much fun! I love the mixing of materials.. Fantastic job :)

  75. Lovely necklace! So many wonderful details!

  76. Sophisticated & whimsical. I adore what you have done with your soup mix!! And I think I am going to try some coiling..I really like it. Soup-er job!

  77. How lucky you were to get some of Jangles' juicy beads! You really did a great job with them too! Your wirework accents are a lot of fun and definitely pick up the whimsy in her beads. Fantastic job.
    Oh as far as beads vs suede. . .I like the suede. It works!

  78. You rose to the challenge beautifully - and you rocked the wireworking! Nice job. And I'd vote to keep the suede, since more beads might detract attention from the focal and the beads that are already there.

  79. Oh my, every single detail is perfect,better than the last!& t hen there are the pictures, wow~beautifully done

  80. These are beautiful Jenni! Love your wire work. Really nice work!

  81. Blue is a very favorite color and that is why I like all your creations...they are beautiful with the same beads we see often but unique designs... asymmetric is very nice too.

  82. I think this turned out really nice - absolutely my style. So if you do not like it anymore one of those days......

  83. oh what a pretty fun and the focal.....

    I'm still making my way through the list as well...

  84. Oh I love it! You havet taken all these different elements and put them together so wonderfully. You have THOUGHT about every connection, and the result is a necklace that is fabulous from any angle!

  85. Beautiful!! I love Jennifers beads so much fun to work with! You did a great job and I really like the suede cord and nice mix of textures.

  86. Love, love, LOVE what you did with your soup. Triple love, triple wow. Great combos, wire work, all of it. Not to mention your great photography as well. very impressive.

  87. P.S. What is the background for your photographs? Some type of special paper or ? Thanks if you will share.

  88. Thank you to everyone who has stopped by, I really appreciate all your comments and suggestions...I am still working my way through the list.

  89. Oh I love it! I love how you did the colored wire and funky wired components! Wonderful!

  90. beautiful! bright! colorful! FUN! what a great soup!!!

  91. Love the necklace!!! The design and the colors!!! Well done!!

  92. What a great necklace.... and a great name for it too! I love how you wrapped and coiled the yellow bead with purple wire - it really packs a punch. Jennifer's ceramic beads are awesome and you did a great job of working with them.

    P.S. I'm glad to have found a fellow Aussie taking part in the BSBP. :)

  93. COuld your necklace be any sweeter??? Love all the wire wrapping and that frosted glass piece is awesome! :)

  94. I absolutely adore the way you combined all the soup elements to create such a fun springy necklace! My partner Patty sent me suede too, and I am glad I decided to use it. Another element of texture added for delight!

  95. The necklace is gorgeous!
    Great work.

  96. What a fun and pretty necklace...I'm loving that polka dot flower! The blue leather cord is beautiful...and I love the freefrom bead. The color wire is a great touch, too.

  97. I love Jennifer's whimsical beads and you did a fantastic job using them!

    The wirework added wonderful playfulness to the fun beads!


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni