
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Texture Tuesday - For the love of Singer Sewing Machines.

Hello dear friends,

Here it is Tuesday once again... goodness how the week flies!
I am loving 'Texture Tuesday' and, after completing half a dozen or more textured photos, the penny is finally dropping.. and I feel I am starting to become a little more familiar with the process.

Each week, I am amazed with the variety and quality of the textured photos on Kim's site.

Each time, after viewing other photos, I tell myself..."be a little more adventurous with it, attempt something a little different!"
So, this week, I have done that...however... I am now starting to think I may have gone TOO far....

I find it quite a dilemma really... the choice between simplicity or the problem of it all becoming too over- textured and looking too 'busy'.

Is it better to stay simple both in the nature of the original photographic style and the texturing that goes with it?

Does anyone else ask themselves these questions as they learn this process or am I just being too self critical?
I would like to know your opinion...more elaborate..or simple...? Which is your style and what do you think is 'better'?

This week the challenge was to post a photo with the addition of writing, either in the added texture or as a text over the photo.

This photo was taken in Portobello Road, Spitalfields, London. It is of a window of one of a chain of fashion shops called All Saints.

I was captivated by the wonderful display of old sewing machines which were arranged in multiple layers in each of the windows.
There were actually hundreds of them in the was quite an amazing sight!

The main writing in this photo is actually on the front window of the shop.

This is how I achieved the look on the photo above, using Photoshop Elements:

  • Added a frame, 0.5 inches all round, thanks to SLucy at Creative Skyy Photography ( sorry I could not get link to work!)
  • Levels adjustment to brighten and increase contrast.
  • Texture 1 - Pixel Dust Photo Art medieval texture on overlay blend mode, 49%
  • Layer mask, rubbed away grey texture from store name.
  • Texture 2 - a hand made paper texture (made by my husband!) on darken blend mode, 48% This yellowed up the frame.
  • Layer mask, rubbed away most of the second texture except I left it on the frame and as a slight vignette.
  • Gaussian blur filter to blur the eraser marks.
  • Texture 3 - old writing taken from scanned wrapping paper (similar to that used in the shop)! Soft light blend mode, 77%
  • Type in signature

This second photo was actually the first texturisation I did of the shop-photo. It is definitely simpler, more muted.

This is how I achieved the look on the photo above-
  • Levels adjustment to brighten and increase contrast.
  • KK Life's Good texture, Soft Light blend mode, 46%
  • KK Vintage texture, multiply blend mode, 81%
  • KK Pourvous texture, multiply blend mode, 87%
  • Levels adjustment
  • Layer mask to remove some texture
  • Text, signature

And finally, while we are on the topic of old sewing machines, I thought I would show you the old, Singer - treadle sewing machine which I have in my home as a hallway table. I really should have removed the cyclamen plant, the flowers are just not in the color palette. (and the plastic pot is terrible!)

I added Kim's latest texture, "Subtly Yours" to this one. (The walls in my home are honestly not that's the texture)

To see more pictures of textured photos please click on the 'Texture Tuesday' logo on my side bar to take you to Kims site.

And that's it for today, folks,


  1. I love the sewing machines! There is a Shoe shop in Bath that uses the old singer sewing machines just like this! I love the texture 'in your hallway'. Gorgeous.

  2. For me, how much and what kind of textures I apply depends on things like the subject matter, the mood/effect I want to portray, or even the frame of mind I'm in at the time. It's all pretty subjective and I don't think there are many hard and fast rules you need to worry about.
    - Jim

  3. So much nostalgia captured in these lovely compositions! I just have to Follow!!!

  4. well i don't know why you are worrying about going overboard or not enough i think they are both pretty darn near perfect i love them both. I like to do the subtle thing most of the time and then now and again i like to rev it up and go burn mode or hard light and grunge it out or posterize it for something really abstract looking, I say just play we all like different things and what you might like i might not but someone else will so go for it you are fabulous at it.

  5. My grandma had one of those. I used to love seeing her sitting there doing her sewing. :)

    I agree with what Jim said about textures. Just have fun with them. It is a matter of personal preference.

    That said --I love the first edit more. :)

  6. Beautiful, the second sewing machine image is my favorite. I think it's all about experimenting and having fun while you do it.

  7. I love what you've done with this photo -- which is really just a great image on it's own.

    Thank you for your thoughtful comment on my blog today. It's great getting to know you! :)

  8. Wonderful texture and text work!

  9. Wonderful captures and texture work!

  10. whatever you are doing, keep doing it because your photos are all lovely! love the second shop window image - and am quite jealous of your singer...

  11. Jeni! I love your blog, love you passions, and I know I MUST love your first picture because it DOES have lots of detail! I think jewelry/bead makers love love love the detail, so we naturally capture busy pictures. :) I'm so happy to meet a fellow bead lover here at Texture Tuesday!
    Sherilyn Koss at

  12. Thankyou so much to everyone who commented on my photos,it is great to hear and learn from you all, and I appreciate any opinions and advice!

  13. Jenni, I'm always second guessing my texture work. I usually ask my husband his opinion on most of what I do, just because I trust his eye. I do find that the more I work with textures the more daring I become and so far, I like the end result. I love your photos and I don't think any of them are 'over done'. It really doesn't take long to catch on to using textures does it? Kind of amazing really!

    Thanks for all of your lovely comments. They always make me smile. : )

  14. I love your photos of all the sewing machines. I know what you mean about there being a fine line of how much texture to use. A lot of times I'll edit a photo and then I'll go back a few weeks later and wonder what I had been thinking :)

  15. It's very strange but I was here and commented on other posts but some how missed 2? The photo manipulation is stunningly beautiful! The very wierd thing is my grandmother had that same sewing machine - I was entranced by it when I was little. Used to sit on it and pump the treadle and pretend to sew my dolly blankets....until I had sewn through a finger! Then I was banned - maybe this lead to my lifelong yearnig to sew dispite my lack of skills??? LOl


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni