
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yesteryear - kangaroo feeding time

Hello dear friends,

Today I am participating in a challenge organised by Kim Klassen with her 'Texture Tuesday' friends.

The photo below is a copy from a slide taken of my sister in law as a child, about 40 years ago. As you can see she is feeding a kangaroo (probably bread).
This is in a country area some distance from Melbourne.

Kangaroos, are really only found in rural areas .
They spend most of the day resting in the shade, and tend to come out in the cool of the morning or at dusk to feed.
I am not entirely sure what time of day this photo was taken, possibly late afternoon.

The car in the photo, a Dodge, was, I believe a recent purchase at the time.

On the above photo,  I have -

  • used Kims' Texture, 'yesteryear' on Soft Light blend mode at 100% opacity
  • used a second texture layer of 'yesteryear' on Multiply blend mode at 85%
  • added a warming filter at 85%
  • selectively put a little color back in the kangaroo
  • eliminated a large stick and a partial face in the front of the car.

The original photo taken from a slide.

And just for fun, I thought I would tell you a few lesser known facts about the Australian Kangaroo  - 

There are 47 varieties of kangaroo ranging in size from a kg (1lb) to 85kg approx (300lb).

 - They usually have one young annually. The joey remains in the pouch for nine months and continues to suckle until 12 - 17 months of age. Kangaroos can have up to 3 babies at one time. One becoming mature and just out of the pouch, another developing in the pouch and one embryo in pause mode. There are 4 teats in the pouch and each provides different milk for the different stages of development. ( The embryo will remain dormant until the previous young has left the pouch)
Isn't that an amazing feat of nature!!

 - Kangaroos are herbivores, they need little water to survive and some species are capable of going for months without drinking at all. (if grass is available)

 - The kangaroo can hop at speed up to 60kmh (40mph) 

- The kangaroo, in combination with the emu were chosen as symbols of Australia ( they are on our Coat of Arms) to represent the country's progress because they are always moving forward and never move backwards.

And on that note, I too will move forward, and finish this post and move on with my day....

Please click on the Texture Tuesday picture logo on my blog side bar to see more lovely texture photos.
( they will be posted from Tuesday through to Sunday)

Hope you all have a good day,



  1. I love the picture! The texture really enhanced it without taking away from the mood.

    And oh goodness, 4 teats with different kinds of developmentally appropriate milk? I thought humans were advanced.

  2. So cool! Your use of the textures is perfect!

    Lots I didn't know about kangaroos!

  3. I. Ikeda, many thanks for your comment and for dropping by,

  4. Cedar, thanks for your comment. I know... I found out a few new things about kangaroos myself!!

  5. Oh, your photo turned out so good! The texture made such a difference in the's more vibrant and eye-catching.

    All of your kangaroo tidbits are so interesting. I'll have to relay it all to my son, he'll really enjoy it :)


  6. that photo is so fun, your processing adds just the right amount 'vintage' feel to it.
    love th kangaroo facts, 60kmh... wow :)

  7. Hey, Tricia - thanks for stopping by. Glad to hear someone will put facts to good use!! Kids love those sort of 'strange' facts.

  8. Dymphie, yep.. pretty darn speedy! Love your little turtle, by the way. Thanks for dropping by.

  9. haha love teh picture nice texture add

  10. Thanks stampmouse..sorry don't know your real name.

  11. She wasn't sharing the icecream then :-) ?

    You so casually say:eliminated the stick and put the colour back in the kangaroo.
    Hmm. Would you give us a hint on how to do that so unnoticeably?

  12. I like what you have achieved with that old photos. Very nice.

  13. Thanks for dropping by Joco...I only did that for the first time.. the cloning tool is what In used but I am sure you know that.. your photography is amazing.

  14. Thanks for dropping in Nadege and for your comment.

  15. We got a chance to pet some kangaroos when we visited our friends in Brisbane. Can't wait to take our kids there so that they could experience the same. I'm pretty sure they'd find it so neat! :)

  16. What a great photo to use with the yesteryear texture Jenni, and I love the vintage car, even if it wasn't vintage when the photo was taken.

    Interesting and informative post about the kangaroo. I had no idea there were 47 different varieties or that they could have 3 on the go at once in different stages, definitely a marvel of nature!


  17. thanks buckeroomama for dropping by.

  18. Thanks Andrea, I actually chose it because it was a yesteryear kind of theme...thanks for dropping by and commenting.

  19. So awesome! This isn't something I'd come across here in Rhode Island. The texture works great with the image.

  20. Jess, thanks so much and for stopping by. I loved your wharf side building shot.

  21. What a fun post! Such a good visual on what can be done with older photos to restore them. Enjoyed reading all those facts on the Australian Kangaroo too! I've often said that all mothers [esp. human ones] should have been given a pouch!! Xo

  22. oh, you took on a literal photo...nevertheless the gesture is so fun and wow for the age of this photo! great edits, thanks for the input about the kangu too!

  23. What a good idea to process a picture of a long time ago, you did a great job with the textures, you added a wonderful vintage touch! Love it! Interesting facts about the kangaroo!

  24. You really did a wonderful job with that photo. It just brought it back to life. It's quite amazing.

  25. oh how fun!! fab photo... fab processing!! love!!

    thanks for linking up with Texture Tuesday!

  26. What a cute photo. I was just reading a story to my 6 yr old about a kangaroo and I read the facts to him. Amazing that the embryo can go dormant. Thanks for stopping by!

  27. Really great texture work and a great shot!

  28. EEEk four teats Good Lord I nursed twins and that was enough!Nevermind that sneaky dormant embryo!!! LOL My girlfriend lives in Buderim and I know her husband has hit them on the way to work. They are a lot like deer here me thinks. She also can't get enough squirrel memorabilia - all they do here is steal bird food! Oh the glamorous life of foriegn wildlife. Gorgeous picture by the way you really did enhance it without taking anything away from it!

  29. That is just so neat, both what you accomplished in the photo and that you used an older photo for the "yesteryear" theme. Good job!

  30. Andrea, Thank you for your lovely comment and for stopping by... I am enjoying your blog immensely.

  31. Sue, thanks for stopping by and commenting, essentials is fab.. I agree with you there.

  32. Really nice remaster of the this photo. Great idea.

  33. I like the way the texture gives it a warmth around the edges. I also like the darker parts of the color on the 'roo.
    Nice work.

  34. Thank you, Marie elizabeth for your comment and dropping by.Love your barn.

  35. What a great the use of the texture. Thanks for the extra facts about kangaroos.

    Bright blessings,

  36. hello Kathy, many thanks for your comments and visit,


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni