
Sunday, May 15, 2011

I Heart macro- 15th May

Hello dear readers,

Sunday is macro day. I have always loved taking photos up close and am always amazed to see the surprises  that happen when  the camera captures details not seen by my eyes alone.

This photo of a Rainbow Lorikeet is an example of that. I had inadvertently left the macro setting on  my little point and shoot camera when taking this photo. The bird allowed me to approach quite closely although it was wary as you can see.
I love the detail in the feathers that was a result of taking the picture on the macro setting.

I love the striations on the iris bud and the transluscent 'peeling' of the bud in the foreground as it emerges.

And as today is my daughter's 21st birthday, I thought I would add this one in. It is the weighted base of some helium balloons.

I heart macro is hosted by Lori of Studio Waterstone Click on the photo below to take you to other participant's photos.

studio waterstone

Hope you have all had a fab weekend.



  1. The picture of the bird is fantastic

  2. Lovely little bird! I just took a photo safari and will share my macro goodness in the next week or so.
    Enjoy the day!

  3. That bird is quite beautiful. I'm amazed that you were able to get close enough to get a macro shot. Wonderful!

  4. Daniela, thanks for your comment and also for stopping by.

  5. Erin, thanks for your comment, I can't wait to see photos from your safari, something I have always wanted to do.

  6. Lori, Melissa and Hope, Thankyou for your kind comments. The birds were quite tame and did allow us to get very close, I could have easily touched it, it was that close. Jenni

  7. Jenni, your photography is amazing!!! Just look at those vibrant colors. I love the macro shot of the parakeet - such incredible color and that expression! And the way you found a simple object and zoomed in on that color - the balloon weight photo is gorgeous. I hope your daughter had a fantastic 21st birthday! I met my husband on my 21st birthday. :-)

  8. Beautiful pictures! Thank you so much for participating. The bird is just amazing.

  9. Cindy, thank you so much for dropping by, you always leave such nice, personal comments, I appreciate them most sincerely. Wow! fancy meeting your husband at 21! How sweet.

  10. Lori, thanks for dropping by and your response. I have been participating for a few weeks, but somehow did not have the correct link to thumbnails..all sorted now!

  11. The bird is so beautiful. I have iris still in the early bud stages and can't wait to take pictures of them. Hope the birthday gal had a great day.

  12. Kimmy, thank you for your comment, and yes She had a very good day. Your macro work is fantastic. Love your blog, I am now following.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni