
Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Heart Macro

Hello dear readers,

I have always loved taking macro photos. The everyday items we see around us appear SO different when photographed in a macro mode.
I do not possess a SLR camera with a macro lens, just a little point and shoot camera adjusted to it's macro setting.
That's all you need for a bit of photographic fun!

Here are a few photos I captured this weekend.

Please click on the I Heart Macro picture on the left hand side to take you to more photos by other macro- lovers . It is hosted by Lori at studio Waterstone



  1. Ok I had this lady bug I was trying to get a shot of and all I kept getting was her butt : ( Awesome Bee shot! The only springy thing we had was forsynthia...maybe next week I'll get a good shot of something buggy.

    Happy Sunday!

  2. These are really great photos! My favorite is the coral looking thing?? I need to get into using my camera more. Thanks for sharing!

  3. These are so beautiful! The two white coral (?) photos in the middle are especially beautiful -- very nicely done!! And I don't own a macro lens, either, just an inexpensive macro filter that screws onto my main lens. Your photos here are proof positive that good photos aren't about the equipment but rather the photographer!

  4. Patty, Marian and Anna, thanks for stopping by and writing such confidence building comments. I wasn't too sure if my little p&s was up to this task, but now I think it's all good.

  5. Awesome!! You are great with the light...makes even the most basic thing look magical. You asked about my camera and I have a Canon Rebel. I don't have a macro lens but the macro setting is just fabulous. I loved my little Canon "regular" camera but it was just taking me too much time to set up good shots.

  6. Thanks jen.I am pretty happy with this littl ricoh, it's beaut to be able to grab and run if needed. Still want an SLR though, the whole kit and caboodle!

  7. Jenni - if this is a point and shoot, I'd hate to see what you can do with an SLR! Beautiful! I have an SLR on my wish list, too.

  8. I haven't done macro in the longest time...would love to especially now that summer is approaching. Great set!

  9. Thanks Lori and Mirage, this is fun. Thanks for stopping by.


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