
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Color Palette blog walk - My Inspiration.

Hello dear readers,

Well as I mentioned in Monday's post, I am participating in Brandi's color palette blog walk.
(please see previous post for background information.)

I thought about where I drew inspiration from and, like a few others, I would have to say, I do take it from mother nature herself.
My particular source would have to be my own home garden.
Over the years, I have been a passionate gardener - planting nearly all the trees and plants in our garden over a 23 year period.

As I have an old Victorian-era home, a lot of my plants have had a cottage theme; lots of roses, bulbs and perennials. They are constantly changing, always beautiful and often re-seed in unexpected places, providing seasonal surprises.

These days, I do not do the hard work in the garden. However, I still take delight from it and take photos of it throughout the year. I can always find an interesting subject in the garden, even in the depths of winter.

I also like to collect old, sometimes slightly quirky, curios, so I have included a photo collage of a much-loved container in which I store my watch and bracelets.

The process of making a palette from a given photo has made me realise there are actually many more colours in almost any subject than I first registered with my eye.

Thank you, Brandi for organising this wonderful blog walk. I have really enjoyed making my palettes.
Hope you enjoy them, too!

Iris from my garden

Rainswept poppy

The old container on my dresser

Here is the list of all participants in the palette blog walk - for you to visit:

Monday, Feb. 28th
Brandi at Brandi Girl Blog
Erin at Treasures Found
Jen at Jen Judd Rocks
Shari at Exploring the Wonders of Life

Tuesday, March 1st
Karen at Creative Thoughts and Inspirations
Julia at UlvDesign
Jessa at The ReArtingDotNet Blog
Lyn at Lyn Foley Jewelry Blog

Wednesday, March 2nd
Jescalyn at Peach Honey Love
Paige at Paige Maxim Designs
Katrina at Ma Joie Press
Jenni at Jenni's Beads  YOU ARE HERE

Thursday, March 3rd
Christie at Displaced Urbanite
Rachel at TatterBeans
Brittany at The Home Ground
Cindy at Sweet Bead Studio

Friday, March 4th
Rachel at Balanced Crafts
Wren at Each Day
Kelly at Mackin Art
Kristy at Simply Shiny Blog

Cheers for now,


  1. Hi Jenni. I love your poppy palette and I totally agree, it's amazing the number of colours that can be found in a photo. It makes it hard to choose just five.
    It seems that there are a lot of nature inspired palettes so far this week.

  2. This is so interesting! I love the colors that you pulled from the photos. The blues and greens from the poppie picture are my favorite. I am with you on the containers. I love them and need to do some photo work with them. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Beautiful photos and color palettes, especially the close-up of the iris. I thank you as well for the inspiration, and agree, I often do not see all the colors that are actually there until looking at the picture with an eye to a palette. Brandi has shared a wonderful tool that was new to me. Nice to have you along.

  4. Oh, Jenni, these are absolutely lovely! Isn't it funny how many colors there really are everywhere? I'm always surprised by the color I think I see versus the color that it actually is - it's a fun little surprise. I have a good time picking and choosing what colors I want to feature; I hope you did, too!

    Thanks so much for playing along!

  5. Wonderful photos and palettes ... love that funky container on your dresser!

  6. Wow. That purple poppy with the drops on it is exquisite! It is so white here right now I need that jolt of color! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the day.

  7. Hi Jenni! You sure caught my attention when you said you've been tending to your garden for 23 years (!),and that you live in a Victorian-era home. You're surrounded by such an intriquing environment - perfect for seeking inspiration! All 3 of your pictures as well as the resulting color palettes are so eye-catching and beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  8. All your photos are lovrly, but I especially love the poppy1

  9. Tthankyou everyone for your comments, it's really interesting to see how everyone approaches their palette so individually. I really like the look of the textured box and also the spots, no idea how to do either, will have to give that a go soon. Or in a month when I come back from Italy and Turkey and.... Sorry, just starting to allow myself a little excitement!! Tomorrow is the day!!
    Love to all,

  10. Oh my goodness! The summer iris is so, so, so pretty! I love it.

  11. Love your photo and palette choices. Gorgeous.

    Simply Shiny Blog

  12. The garden poppy photo is lovely! What a great color palette.


  13. I love the Garden Iris photo at the top. Such a pretty color palette. And that jewelry box is so unique! I really need a nice way to hide away my jewelry :)

  14. Gasp!!! That iris picture is phenomenal!!! But then I moved down the post and am totally in awe of the lovely shots and palettes you came up with!!! I'm so happy to meet you on this walk!

  15. I love how you were inspired by flowers! Beautiful palettes!
    Thanks for that extra info on the passionflower, very interesting!

  16. Thanks to everyone who commented. I am sorry if I have missed out on commenting on all the other palette walk participants blogs, I am traveling at the moment and have not been accessible to Internet everyday. Will do my best to catch up. Jenni


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni