
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

btw, 23 Feb 2011

Hello again dear readers,

It's officially wednesday again, so time to get cracking and write a little!

I have been going a little mad the last two days using any spare time to take photos of my bead soup piece.
I am neither a camera or photoshop expert.
I realised I had to shoot my photos again on a better setting, it is called  the Fine setting on my little point and shoot.  I had to break out the manual to find out how to do that!
Then, of course, the angles were not the same.... and on it goes.

For the background I have tried 3 different colours; dark grey, white and shiny black. All have their various challenges. Aarrghhh...!!!
I love the shiny black, but of course anything shiny reflects so much, however I think I may have tamed the beast a little! We shall see....!

Consequently, there is not much in the bead making area this week, or even on  the jewelry making table.

I do, however have a few photos of some murrini that arrived today from Donna at fyrebeadz and also some glass twisties from my little studio.

Hope all are well and enjoying your day,




  1. I am with you on the struggle to take photos! Always a challenge. Love the colors of the glass rods! Good luck with your pics!

  2. Oh my goodness taking pictures is my biggest struggle. I have finally found the right setting and background but still I end up with something I am not satisfied with. Arggg.
    Can't wait to see the pictures of your bead soup.

  3. Love those glass twisties- what do you use those for? Stirring the occasional martini? I would love to see a shorter version of those for beading...

  4. Thanks for your comments everyone.
    They are used to apply to a base glass bead. Can be melted in, which makes them spread or left raised. I have seen them attached to a bead and left to dangle down.
    How would you use them for beading chocoholic? Mm interesting thought.


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