
Monday, February 14, 2011

Bicones revisited - a "man-bead style"

Hello readers,

Well, I managed to get a little time in the studio this weekend and all I could seem to make was large bicone shaped beads - well they are pretty large for me!

Slightly more than a year ago, I did a bead-making course at Blue Dog Glass in Moorabbin, Melbourne, which was organised by the lovely Sue from Bead Glass in Patonga N.S.W.

The guest instructor was Jim Smircich from U.S.A.
Jim's speciality is control of heat whilst making beads. He seemed to favour the bicone shape at the time (that seems to be a favourite shape of his).
We were shown how to shape this style of bead using heat and gravity and minimal marvering.

I think I did a flurry of practice immediately after the class, but have not made very many of this shape since then.
However, I do love the shape - although it is a shape that can be challenging to feature in a piece of jewelry.
Simply suspending a bicone from a chain or leather cord can be an effective approach.
I think because of this simplicity of style, the bicone shape can be appealing to men.

Men!  Yes men.
( I can hear a strange and rather nervous guffaw coming from my husband when I say this.)

"Surely you are not going to make me WEAR beads now....?"

So... here are a few of my "man beads" from the weekend........

Light Fossil base with reactive Intense black, light ivory ends.

 Rear- Base of medium fossil with twistie of Vetrofond purple-red, Effetre apricot yellow and Kugler Light Beige (used to be called ASK Moroccan Swirl) and Effetre Dark Ivory.

Front left - Base of Opal Yellow with twistie of Effetre Opal Yellow, Effetre Copper Green, EDP and Intense black. (very reactive).

Middle Right- Base of Vetrofond Yellow Ice, stripes of CIM Stoneground and Effetre Coral, raked. Dark red-brown "caps".

Rear - Effetre Silver pink with twistie of copper green and Double Helix Triton.
Triton "caps" reduced for a shimmering finish.
( I love this bead, however it is pitted, so I am going to try and make it again)

The tab beads in the front are made purely from Dark Fossil.
I absolutely love this glass, it looks like marble or granite.
The little bead is Effetre pearl grey which turned  a soft caramel colour with the application of silver foil.

That's it for tonight folks,




  1. GORGEOUS!!! I love the mirrored effect in that second to last picture.

  2. I think one of those beads strung on a simple leather cord would make a fantastic man's necklace! I've made my hubby a few necklaces. The problem I always have is choosing a clasp. All my clasps seem kind of girly. ;-) Your beads are really beautiful!

  3. Thanks girls for your comments, it is really exciting that I even have comments at all.
    Lisa, I am definately going to try the simple necklace approach.

  4. Fireflymyst, No I am not selling at the moment.
    I sent you an email, hope you got it, anyway hope I hear back from you.

  5. Jenni, your comment about your husband cracked me up. And these beads are gorgeous too. You are getting better and better. I'm so honored to be working with your beads. I've finished my pieces. I hope you won't think I'm mad.

  6. Grace, thanks so much for your comment.I am not quite finished, I've had a few different goes, putting jewelry together is a challenge for me!

  7. not selling them1? whatarrrryathinkin!?


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