
Monday, February 21, 2011

Bead Soup Blog Party- reveal 26 Feb

Dear readers,

As you all must know by now I am participating in the extraordinary Bead Soup Blog Party,
masterminded by the lovely Lori Anderson. This is the 3rd and the largest bead soup organised by Lori.

This very large, international, cyber festival of jewelry artists has attracted 210 participants!
Is that not wonderful!!

For my readers who do not know about  this event, the idea is you are partnered with another participant to exchange beads.
A focal bead, clasp and others  beads/jewelry items of choice were exchanged.

Each partner then designs a piece/s of jewelry using the beads sent to her/him and the finished items will then be revealed on Saturday 26th February on each participant's blog.
One rule is that the focal bead and clasp must be incorporated into the design, additional beads of choice are optional.

A flickr group was created for all participants to show the beads they received from their partner.

Please check out the photos on flickr here.

I have been partnered with Grace from suddenly last summer, no. 186 on  the list ( list to be displayed on 26 Feb. on this blog)

Here is a photo of my 'soup ingredients' that Grace sent from Philadelphia. Gorgeous isn't it!

Please come back and visit on the 26th, there will be so much to inspire you!

Thank you to Lori for organising this fantastic event and for all the work that is continuing 'behind the scenes' to keep  it rolling along....

In anticipation,




  1. Can't wait to see what you make with that awesome soup!

  2. What a beautiful soup! I can't wait to see what you create! That pendant is really amazing!

  3. Such a great blog. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Love to see what you are going to make with your soup.


hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni