
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Etched Discs

I recently saw a gorgeous necklace in a magazine that used old Roman glass discs as it's main component.
It made me wonder if I could make something similar myself.

So I made the discs and a few focal pendants using various transparent glasses.
I then aged them by soaking them in an etching solution to give them that old/beachy glass look.

The pale aqua "took" very quickly and in the photos appears almost white.
The darker, more intense colours took a little longer soaking to achieve a similar look.
I'm pretty happy with the look that I achieved, and at a mere fraction of the price it seems like a good option.

Cheers ,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. How beautiful Jenni! I am waiting for you to sell your wonderful beads!!!

  2. Those are great!! Kristi

  3. Thanks Kathy and Kristi.
    I am going to try to sell this year, Kathy. Got to get my act together!


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