
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday.

Well it is already Wednesday here in Australia!

So here is a little photo of my bead-board and the beads that I am presently working with.
Let me explain why I have taken this particular photo...

I have joined up to the Yahoo Flickr group, BTW (Bead Table Wednesday), organised by Heather at Humblebeads. (Click BTW logo on the left of this blog to go to BTW.)

The purpose of joining the BTW group is that participants take a photo of what we are currently working on, write about it on a Wednesday, and then also post the photo to the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr site.
It's a great way to get motivated, to work at creating a piece of jewelry. Stop that procrastination!

It is also a wonderful source of inspiration to see photos of  beading items other members are using to create their own projects.

I thought I would use some of the remaining beads I had left over from the Fusion Bead challenge, which was organised by Lorelei (see my previous blog-posts).

The gorgeous little owl was made by my friend,  Georgie - isn't he totally adorable!
The photo was taken on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app.

I hope to finish up the piece in a day or two, so please come back to check it out!

Happy beading,



  1. I saw your post at the BSP yahoo group...but I actually had already looked at your Fusion challenge piece over the weekend. It is so gorgeous. And this little owl - I love it. This is my second BSP. Welcome from Georgia USA.

  2. Patty and Lois, thank you for your nice comments, I still constantly find it such a thrill to hear from like minded beady people all around the world. I have looked at both your blogs and enjoyed your stories and your creative jewelry pieces.

  3. I'm doing this too but I'm doing mine on Mondays!


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