
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bead Soup Blog Party

To participate even further in the online beading community fun, I have also joined up in the Bead Soup Blog Party, organized by Lori Anderson

This works in a different way to the Blog Hop.

Each registered participant sends a focal bead, some co-ordinating spacers or beads, and an interesting clasp to another party member. (nominated by Lori)

When each person receives their  surprise collection of beads, they take a photo of those beads and posts it on their blog.
A jewelry item is then made using those components.

On Blog Party Day, (Saturday february 26th), the completed item is revealed on each participants blog.
So far there has been an amazing 145 people (and still going) register to join in.
Please check out Lori's blog to read about this amazing event.

I can"t wait!

Bead Soup Blog Party

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hello... thank you for stopping by my blog. Please feel free to comment or say hello.I always look forward to hearing from you. Jenni