
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Decorations

Thought I would show a few of my favourite glass Christmas decorations.

They are a simple, uncluttered style of decoration, however  I love them for their  shimmering and reflective  capabilities.

And my favourite Christmas decoration of all - my little dog, Pepper complete with Christmas bow!

Cheers for now,



  1. Oh you have a schnauzer!! They are funny. Sat on a park bench once and somebody came along with a schnauzer and sat down, then the schnauzer started chewing on my friends leg and wouldn't let go.
    Pretty baubles!

  2. Hey Georgie, my dog wouldn't do that! She is very nervy though and barks at all who walk past her domain. I keep her eyebrows short so can see her eyes.
    Hope you have a happy New Year, Jenni


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