
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

100 bead necklace

 Wednesday 13th October 2010

I made these little spotty beads quite a while ago but have just recently managed to string them up. It's quite a long necklace as I put little silver beads in between and a  ring and bar clasp.
I intend to wear them with a white shirt; a bright, cheery look.

I always love getting parcels in the mail and today one arrived from WishWare Beads in Bunbury, Western Australia. It is a small texturing hammer for metal (see pictures below).  It comes with 4 different heads.

I intend to give this a go on the weekend, probably on copper sheet to see what patterns it can produce. If I like the look, I will make copper and/or silver bead caps. Perhaps I will have some results by Monday.


1 comment:

  1. Jenni, the necklace looks fabulous! Just like "you know who's" Your hubby better watch out - you could make some serious patterns on his head with that hammer!!


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